Our facility at 3104 Indianola Ave. is located 5 minutes from downtown and 1 block from the corner of E. 14th Street and Park Ave.
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There are 2 touch-free automatic bays, 4 self-service bays and 5 vacuum stations. Multiple vending machines are available for purchasing car care products. We also offer free tire air and a wringer sink.
Self service bays are open 24 hours and touch-free 6:30am – 10:30pm.

Spotfree Car Wash Vacuum Area

Self-Service Panel
Self-Service Bays
- Soap, Rinse, Pre-Soak, Clear Coat Wax, Foam Brush, Tire Cleaner, Bug Remover, Triple Foam Wax, Spotfree Rinse, Rain-X and Dryer
- Bays will accept vehicles up to 8’6” height (Drive-in & back out)
Touch-Free Bays

Wash Package
"A little dirt - No Dry"
- Single Hot Pre-Soak Wash
- High Pressure Rinse
- Bubble Gum Wax
- Spotfree Rinse
Wash Package
"For more dirt & Dry"
- Side Blasters & Underbody Wash
- Bug Remover Pre-Soak (Seasonal)
- Double Hot Pre-Soak Wash
- High Pressure Rinse
- Citrus Clear Coat Sealant
- Spotfree Rinse
- Super Air Dry
Wash Package
"Does it all & Dry"
- Side Blasters & Underbody Wash
- Bug Remover Pre-Soak (Seasonal)
- Double Hot Pre-Soak Wash
- High Pressure Rinse with Double Front & Rear (Seasonal)
- Triple Foam Wax
- Citrus Clear Coat Sealant
- Spotfree Rinse
- Super Air Dry
Cars, extended cab trucks and SUV’s are welcome, but we are not able to accomodate vehicles over 7’ height or 23’ length. Wide mirrors must be folded in, hitches and bike racks need to be removed and all loose items need to be secured. The wash process use high pressure water and air which may damage bug deflectors, mirrors, accessories, loose trim, loose paint, or original equipment in poor condition.